Archer specializes in assessing, consulting, and testing to ensure compliance with NERC standards, including CIP-014, which recommends the use of Acoustic Detection to provide real-time alarms and awareness of gunshots or explosions as they happen. Acoem and Archer make a strong team, with Archer providing expertise in compliance and Acoem and its integration partners offering expertise in acoustic threats and physical security technology.
“We are creating a solid partnership to help companies and service providers stay updated with evolving security standards through risk-based physical security controls. Archer is excited to partner with Acoem to bring remarkable technology and value to our client’s physical security and compliance demands. At the same time, help identify attacks at the earliest moment,” said Nick Weber, Archer’s Managing Partner.

How Acoem make gunshot detection so unique :
- 100% accuracy from the first year
- Paired camera for evidence recovery
- Transparent data and real time alert
- Affordable budget