Gunshot Detection Technology

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Redefining safety with revolutionary threat detection technology

Acoem’s next-generation ATD (Acoustic Threat Detection) AI-powered gunshot detection technology empowers security professionals, law enforcement, and critical infrastructure operators with an AI-driven gunshot detection solution that delivers unparalleled speed, accuracy, and scalability.

Acoem’s ATD technology utilizes advanced AI edge-processing signals are processed within an ATD-300 sensor itself. In less than 3 seconds, a PTZ camera slews toward the detected threat and an immediate alert enhances situational awareness for security teams, enabling faster and more reliable alerts. A single sensor covers a 500-foot radius, reducing hardware and data streaming costs.

With over 30 years of military-grade acoustic expertise and cutting-edge AI technology, Acoem is at the forefront of transforming public safety and infrastructure security worldwide with our proven gunshot detection technology.

Explore how Acoem’s ATD technology can enhance your community safety and operations security today!

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Seamless Integration
Integrates seamlessly with several market leading VMS platforms, offering a user-friendly dashboard that delivers real-time audio-visual alerts.
Rapid Gunshot Detection
Provides immediate camera slewing and edge-processed AI within a single sensor covering 500 feet, minimizing false positives and maximizing situational awareness.
Enabling First Responders
Transmits privacy-protected data to command centers or mobile devices in under three seconds, facilitating quicker decision-making.

Our technology isn’t the only thing that’s revolutionary.

Acoem’s Aware America Initiative means we can help you get your system up and running right away. We’ll even help you apply for grants that can cover the cost of your sensors, and advise you on how to integrate them with your existing systems. Once your system is in place, the technology belongs to you. No leasing fees, subscriptions, or punitive software license agreements. Just peace of mind.

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Tested on the Battlefield, Effective in Your Community

Acoem ATD is being made available for civilian use for the first time, but our acoustic gunshot detection technology has a long history of success in municipal, civil, and military applications. Our gunshot surveillance and detection solutions are based on lessons learned from technology initially deployed for military applications, and have earned the trust of soldiers in some of the toughest military operations around the world.

Acoem is also an approved security solution provider for major sporting events, where our advanced technology keeps spectators safe at some of the world’s most prominent competitions.  

That extensive experience laid the foundation for our civilian threat detection system – helping law enforcement and security staff make faster, more reliable, and more informed tactical response decisions to emergency situations.

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Using Technology to Enhance Safety

The artificial intelligence that fuels our ATD gunshot detection technology continuously learns and evolves through data collection. This approach is completely different from that of our competitors, who simply offer microphone-based systems. That means we can offer a level of accuracy and reliability that simply can’t be replicated by any of the existing gunshot detection systems, giving you the confidence to tackle threats quickly. Each individual sensor has the ability to detect and locate threats immediately, so your response is faster and more finely tuned. Our acoustic threat detectors can also be easily integrated with VMS (video management software) systems for a comprehensive security solution that no other manufacturer can offer.

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You may not know us yet, but Acoem and its legacy brands date back to 1967, across a wide variety of industries.

We are a global organization that leverages technology to provide better ways to monitor the environment, operate machinery, and protect communities. Our 1,000+ employees work across 27 offices, 6 manufacturing facilities and 4 R&D centers in 11 countries to provide trusted solutions for customers worldwide. 

Acoem’s US operations are based in Grants Pass, Oregon and Richmond, Virginia, with more than 180 employees dedicated to harnessing technology to improve our lives.

Our ATD technology revolutionizes the landscape for gunshot detection in the United States, keeping your communities safe.
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